Sunday, 29 September 2013

Milky Way

Milky Way is known as our home galaxy, containing our solar system, which orbits the Earth, Neptune, Pluto, Mars and few more other planets. The name "milky" is created from its appearance as a dim glowing unclear band arching across the night sky in which, our naked eyes cannot see.

The term "Milky Way" is a Classical Latin translated word via lactea, according to Wikipedia. From our planet Earth, the Milky Way looks like a band because of its disk-like shape structure viewed from within the Galaxy. Galileo Galilei, Harlow Shapley, Heber Curtis, and Edwin Hubble are the very few first astronomers and scientists that started to discover the universe, and Edwin Hubble showed that the Milky Way is just one of many galaxies. According to scientists, Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy with 100,000 to 120,000 light-years in diameter which contains around 100 to 400 billions of stars, and it may contain many other planets as well ! How amazing !

According to research, a black hole is a very creepy and dangerous, but still, not completely scientific proven for where the black hole would bring us to. A black hole is said to be a region of spacetime from which the gravity of one black hole prevents anything, including light from escaping ! The hole is named "black hole" because it absorbs all the light that hits the horizon, reflecting nothing ! The black hole's gravity is so strong that even light cannot escape from it. Black hole can be found at any part of the universe including in Milky Way, because a black hole is a collapse of a massive star.

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