Sunday, 29 September 2013

Dying Stars

It is not just us living things on earth that has our life cycle, stars do have their own life cycle too. A star have 7 stages of life, from Stellar Nebula to White Dwarf, Neutron Star or Black Hole, total 7 stages. A life cycle of a star starts from Stellar Nebula, which is the exploded supernova gas cloud, changing to a Protostar, known as a newborn star, and according to human life cycle, a Protostar is described as the fetus. Then it changes to stable star, as known as the main sequence, the active and shining star, and it is known as the growing stage from infancy through adulthood.

Our sun, is a dying star, it is a Red Giant star, that it is known as a cool, dying and swollen star. At this point of stage, in human life cycle, it is at its middle age. Then our star, Sun, would eventually turn into Planetary Nebula star, the colorful gas ejection star. The Sun is not a supernova but instead it will die into a White Dwarf then lastly, Black Dwarf, a dead star. At the stage of White Dwarf, it is the old age-death 

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