1. Playing musical instrument increases a persons IQ
2. Astronomers found a planet 4000 light years away from earth that is made out of diamond
3. Laughter increases pain tolerance
4. 1 in 5 women would rather give up sex than Facebook access
5. Dogs wag their tails more toward the right when they are happy
7. Distaste for broccoli is genetic
8. Students perform worse academically when their football team wins
9. Green color makes people more creative
10. Studies have shown that people prefer to work with their own gender
11. It is against the law to sing off-key in north California
12. Dogs were the first animals domesticated by people
13. In general, the older you're the younger you feel
14. Studies have shown that math makes girls more anxious than boys
15. In France, you can legally marry a dead person
16. Most people grab their chin when making decisions
17. Homosexually was classified as a mental illness until 1973
18. Only female mosquitoes drink blood
19. Mullets are illegal in Iran
20. Female kangaroos have three vaginas